MLS College of Pharmacy
The institute has been established with a view to promote excellence in Pharmacy education and to prepare upcoming generation to meet the challenges in the area of Pharmaceutical industries, educationRead More

From the desk of Chairperson
Dear Students,
Combined academy of technical education aimed to create and provide the most crucial human resource ingredient to develop newly emerged state Bihar and in fact nation as a whole. “Education has been a source of gaining knowledge and making responsible citizens of the country “, to consider this point we have started D.Pharm in 2018 and B.Pharm course in 2020. Read More
Combined academy of technical education aimed to create and provide the most crucial human resource ingredient to develop newly emerged state Bihar and in fact nation as a whole. “Education has been a source of gaining knowledge and making responsible citizens of the country “, to consider this point we have started D.Pharm in 2018 and B.Pharm course in 2020. Read More

Event & Activities
World Aids Day- 2019
December1 is observed as World AIDS Day. This day is meant to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS, a disease which destroys the immune system and makes the body prone to various diseases and infections. The theme of World AIDS Day 2019 was “Ending the HIV/AIDS Epidemic: Community by Community”,Placement Cell
Placement cell is an important part of a developed institution. At MLSCP, placement cell prepares a strategy for training and placement with primary aim to find best jobs for all the students. This centre sets up healthy relationships and collaborations with research and development department,
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